Saturday, March 22, 2008

Bee Pollen: The Healing Superfood for Optimum Health

Originall published Mar 20, 2008

by Sheryl Walters (NaturalNews) Bee Pollen is one of the most well known superfoods on the planet. Its research began with the people of the Caucasus Mountains in the former Soviet Union. Doctors began to study them because of their optimum health and longevity. Many of them were healthily living to 125 years old. A large percentage of them were beekeepers, and it was discovered that the pollen they ate was their magic elixir.Scientific studies have continuously revealed the incredible health enhancing benefits of bee pollen for decades.Bee Pollen is a rich source of highly concentrated vitamins, minerals, proteins, amino acids, hormones, enzymes and fats. Most of the known vitamins in bee pollen exist in perfect proportion, so they optimally work together. This further enhances their value. This powerful superfood also contains a vast array of phytonutrients, many of which have yet to be identified.Its nutritional diversity makes Bee Pollen an ideal dietary supplement and boost to a balanced diet. Scientists have labeled it the most nutritious supplement on the planet. In fact, many nutritional experts say bee pollen contains everything we need to live!Studies have shown that Bee Pollen can Offer the Following Benefits:* For mental clarity and concentration, bee pollen is one of the top superfoods. That is why the people of the Caucasus Mountains not only had long lasting physical health, but also vibrant mental health.* Bee pollen is helpful for loosing weight because it naturally balances hormones and chemicals in the body. It also improves the metabolism and helps reduce cravings for food.* Many studies have shown that bee pollen is very effective in lowering cholesterol levels.* The sexual health benefits of bee pollen are well documented. It boosts fertility and can relieve PMS.Researchers have found that bee pollen is very effective in helping prevent prostate problems.In one study, over 50% of men who were given bee pollen experienced a dramatic improvement in sperm count and were able to perform better sexually after just one month.* Bee Pollen is a potent immune system booster, so the body can fight illnesses, and even allergies.* It is a powerful detoxifier.* There have also been a number of clinical trials that have been carried out using bee pollen on cancer.You can buy bee pollen as golden colored granules. They are delicious and can be eaten plain, like a handful of sunflower seeds. You can also put them in smoothies or sprinkle them over yogurt.Bee pollen is one of the oldest, most researched, healing foods on the planet. Its complete nutrition is beneficial for anyone looking to improve their mental and physical health, and overall wellbeing.
About the author
Sheryl is a kinesiologist, nutritionist and holistic practioner. Her website provides the latest research on preventing disease, looking naturally gorgeous, and feeling emotionally and physically fabulous.

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